About the Book Club

The Amnesty International Book Club is a project that engages readers, libraries and book clubs in reading beyond the book. What does that mean? In this book club, not only do we feature excellent literature, but we share interactive author interviews, podcast episodes, challenging discussion questions and rich background on the human rights aspects of popular novels. Our Book Club Newsletter has well over 7,000 subscribers and is mailed every two months with the latest news in books, actions, reflective essays and our very special discussion guide.

Book Club Features

  • A fantastic discussion guide, where we explore human rights focused themes and how they apply to the real world
  • Amnesty International actions or more information on how you can get involved in every guide
  • Live webinars with authors
  • Podcast episodes featuring incredible writers
  • Printed copies of the Discussion Guides upon request

Why not Sign Up Today? It’s Free! 

Sign up to become an Amnesty International book club member today:  Join the club

If you are a school, library or bookstore, join our partner page and we will send you free bookmarks, posters and guides upon request!

If you have any questions or concerns; send us an email at bookclub@amnesty.ca